Founder and CEO, James Wahlberg, has been working in the field of media production for more than 20 years and brings a wealth of creativity and expertise to Wahl St. Productions projects and clients. From pre-production to post-production; to marketing a film or project once it’s ready for release, Wahlberg works with clients and the Wahl St. team to ensure first-class productions that accomplish client goals and objectives.

Gravitas Ventures is an all rights independent film distributor bringing movies to theaters and On Demand. Gravitas is a cutting-edge 21st-century independent film distributor teaming up with In Their Shoes for our public launch in 2022.

The City of Boston has a robust system of care for individuals, families, and communities affected by substance abuse. At The Boston Public Health Commission, we work to make sure this system is as easy to navigate as possible for those that need our support. In partnership with an excellent network of community-based providers throughout the city, we offer programs and resources aimed at preventing addictions and supporting the treatment and recovery of those impacted by substance abuse. To access our homepage directly, please click here: http://www.bphc.org/whatwedo/Recovery-Services/Pages/RecoveryServices.aspx

MassINC was founded in 1996 by a small group of civic and business leaders who believed that Massachusetts was missing accurate, thorough, and unbiased data to inform thoughtful policymaking. They set out to create an organization that produced research and supported policies dedicated to creating a ladder to the middle class for families in Massachusetts. Over the years, MassINC expanded its reach, employing civic engagement strategies to help move the best ideas, supported by hard data, into public policy. In addition to independent research, the MassINC Policy Center now encompasses the Criminal Justice Reform Coalition and the Gateway Cities Innovation Institute. Greg Torres was named president of MassINC in 2007 and still leads the organization today.